Caring for you during COVID-19 Pandemic
At Seyf Dental our aim has been to resume dental services in a way that is safe, effective and operationally deliverable.
In developing this approach we have implemented additional measures and protocols which are in line with government guidelines and will be regularly audited against government standards.
Your next experience with the practice may be a little different but all the new measures designed with your health and wellbeing in mind.
Seyf Dental Safety steps during COVID-19 pandemic, when you visit the practice:
Booking an appointment
- To arrange an appointment please call the practice on 0208 8782802 or send an e-mail to
- Kindly don’t visit the practice in-person without a pre-arranged appointment. We could be treating a ‘vulnerable person’. So we need to make sure we don’t have too many people in the practice at the same time.
- In order to reduce the number of people in the practice no multiple/family bookings will be available. Patients should attend alone with the exception of children under age of 16 who can be accompanied to the practice, a translator, guardian, carer or legal representative.
- For patients with symptoms or shielding we will provide remote support and referral to UDC if required.
- Appointment times is adapted to the new way of working, please ensure you don’t turn up too early or be late.
- Telephone and video consultations will be used where possible. Video consultations can be useful especially for shielding/*high risk patients.
- If you are a new patient or not visited the practice for more than 3 months, we will e-mail you a medical history form and a dental history questionnaire, to complete and return to us in advance if your appointment. Please note that these can be send by e-mail or by post.
- We will call you to conduct a pre-visit questionnaire, so we can make sure you have no COVID-19 symptoms and we can treat you safely
- If patients arrive early, they will be asked to wait outside the practice and only enter when a team member text or call you.
- We will aim to see all patients on time and where this is not possible and the clinician is running late, the patient will be phoned and invited to come back later.
- We recommend that patients to brush their teeth before attending the practice, as this will reduce the level of oral microorganisms in aerosols and spatter generated during dental procedures.
- Please only bring essential belongings, this limits the risk of any contamination.
- To limit the number of people in the practice, please ensure you don’t turn up too early or be late.
- Please wait outside the practice, we will call you to invite you in.
- The front door will be locked. Please ring the bell and a member of staff will open the door for you.
- We have adjusted our waiting areas and spaced out appointments, so you can maintain safe social distancing, that might mean that you are offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment.
- We will check your temperature with contact less thermometer, the reading will be entered in your clinical notes. If the reading is deemed too high, your appointment will be rescheduled for a later date.
- Verbal COVID-19 screening will be carried out on the entry to the practice
- Upon entry into facility, we will invite you to use hand sanitation station.
- All patients are provided with a bag containing a mask and shoe cover
At the Reception
- All staff will be wearing face masks or face shields
- We have installed plastic screen at the front of our reception desk. This will keep you and our staff safe when you check-in or rebook another appointment.
- Payment machines will be wiped after use or covered over with protective covering that can be replaced.
- We are performing deep cleaning throughout the day after each patient both inside the surgery and the reception area
- All the non-essential toys, reading materials, remote controls or other communal objects have been removed.
- Water will be offered in disposable single-use cups.
- Patients are recommended to bring their own pen or we can provide you with a pen to use and then to take away.
- Toilet facilities are still operational but please ask the staff before use. This will ensure we know the facility has been used and can clean appropriately.
- Your bag and coat will be stored in a box outside the surgery in order to minimize the risk of decontamination.
At the surgery room
- One member of staff will chaperone the patient to the surgery. It is advised that the patient does not touch anything as they enter the surgery.
- Patient will be offered hand washing facilities in the surgery or hand sanitiser before sitting in the dental chair.
- We will offer a pre-procedural mouth rinse (1.5% hydrogen peroxide, rinse for 60sec., please advise us for any allergies), when you take a seat in the dental chair as this may reduce the level of oral microorganisms in aerosols and spatter generated during dental procedures.
Post treatment
- To keep you safe, we will ask you to use contactless payment instead of cash wherever possible.
- You can book any future appointments or follow-ups after your treatment.
- If within 14 days of your appointment you begin to develop any symptoms of possible COVID-19, such as high temperature or new continues cough, please contact the practice to inform us and follow the appropriate self-isolation advice.
In order to keep our staff safe
- All staff will be risk-assessed on an ongoing basis
- Staff will be screened to identify any COVID-19 symptoms before arriving at the practice each day. Anyone with symptoms will not be permitted to work and will be asked to return home to self-isolate.
- COVID-19 guidance around social distancing and good hygiene practice is promoted as far as possible. Staff have been advised to avoid unnecessary close contact with each other, for example, shaking hands and hugging.
The health, wellbeing and safety of our patients, their families and our staff remain our top priority at Seyf Dental. We would like to thank our patients for their understanding during this unusual time. Please give us a call if you want to discuss your oral health, book an appointment or simply get some more reassurance about the safety measures we have put in place- this is an unusual time for everyone and we’re here to put you at ease.
We hope to see you again soon
Yours sincerely,
Information about PPE and Aerosol building treatments:
Due to the new measures that have been implemented to protect our patients and staff and additional use of PPE we have introduced a new fee setting. Based on the above we will charge the share of the PPE cost with patients:
*£25.00 for None AGP treatment/ per visit
* 35.00 for AGP treatment/ per visit
The fee will be charged on the booking of each appointment
*Which dental procedures are considered to be AGPs?
Non-aerosol generating procedures are listed here:
- Remote consultations
- Oral health assessment
- Preventative and self-care measures delivered in line with Delivering Better Oral Health, non-AGP aspects
- Hand instrumentation/scaling
- Simple dental extractions
- Caries excavation with hand instruments
- Caries removal with slow speed and high-volume suction
- Placement of restorative material
- Orthodontic treatment
- Removable denture stages (if patient has normal gag reflex)
- Paediatric oral health including stainless steel crowns (Hall crown) and diamine fluoride applications.
AGPs are procedures that include (but are not limited to) the use of:
- The air turbine
- High pressure 3:1 air syringe (the risk of aerosols could be reduced when using a 3:1 if only the irrigation function is used, followed by low pressure air flow from the 3:1 and all performed with directed high-volume suction)
- Surgical motors with irrigant/irrigation • Ultrasonic scalers and Piezo handpieces
- Rotary endodontic handpieces (Root canal Treatment)
- Endosonic headpieces
- Sandblasting, air abrasion, air polishing.
Social distancing and changes to everyday life
Advice about avoiding close contact with other people (social distancing), looking after your wellbeing and using the NHS and other services during coronavirus.
GOV.UK: coronavirus – guidance and support
Government information and advice